Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

Tugas Softskill: Penulisan Bahasa Iklan

Advertisement , usually interpreted as effort human being in submitting idea, service or product, go to certain target, passing mass media, expecting certain advantage, and have clear sponsor.
Advertisement use visual Ianguage which bring icon form, symbol, and body language.
Usually , visual language useface to face communication.
The main idea , advertisement have the target of advertisement and communications, especial idea or core of its concept sell.
Advertising have owning fascination advertisement which good for fishing comments ( respons) of consumer.
Powered to that draw hence advertisement items translated in executing advertisement. In this case, category weared emotional and rational, or combination both.
A service or product is obliged to position itself to place product image or service into consumer.
For that, specific things which require to get attention, for example, attribute, price, quality of, usage, perception of [user/ wearer], and product category. What do not less important is to look for and place special position in mind consumer.
In relation to Ianguage, in the reality there are two Ianguage type which must be differentiated. Both types of that Ianguage relate to normatif language and descriptive Ianguage. Both types of this Ianguage in the reality also have venously of communications Ianguage barrel.
Beside Ianguage barrel which is obliged to get attention, there is guidance of Ianguage used for the Ianguage of advertisement, like:
  1. Easy to understand for consumer
  2. Modestly language
  3. Without plural sentence
  4. Its active sentence, not passive sentence
  5. Strong and solid of the Ianguage
  6. Positive Ianguage, not negative language

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