Selasa, 06 Mei 2014

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details
Name                                       : Sabar Dwi Prayogo
Place and date of Birth             : Jakarta, November 14, 1993
Sex                                          : Male
Nationality                              : Indonesia
Religion                                   : Moslem
Address                                   : Jl. Surilang 09/01 No. 21 Jakarta
Phone                                      : 081211681xxx
E-mail Address                       :

Education Details :
Elementary School      : SD 05 Pagi (1999-2005)
Junior High School     : SMP 223 (2005-2008)
Senior High School     : SMA 93 Jakarta (2008-2011)
Higher Education        : Gunadarma University faculty of letters (2011-2015) 

Selasa, 01 April 2014

10 Istilah Bisnis dalam Kalimat

1.       Supply
We have so many supply for next month in the warehouse

2.       CEO
Mr. Suarez is the CEO of the KOP enterprise

3.       Production
The company cannot produce the production because of the crisis

4.       Tax
Prayogo enterprise always pay the tax to the government

5.       Contract
I’m sorry my company cannot sign the contract for the corporation

6.       Income
The income of this month has increase than last month

7.       Market
Our company’s target market is for the upper class

8.       Profit
Our profit for this month is satisfying

9.       Bankrupt
Century bank has been bankrupt

10.   Promotion
Mr. Prayogo get a promotion because his loyalty to the company

Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

10 Kesepadanan Kata dalam Komunikasi Bisnis

1.     Account            : Akun
2.    Cost                 : Biaya
3.    Total Cost        : Biaya Total
4.    Profit               : Laba
5.    Income              : Pemasukan
6.    Outcome           : Pengeluaran
7.    Demand             : Permintaan
8.    Sales Tax         : Pajak Penjualan
9.    Average Cost    : Biaya rata-rata
10. Equipment         : Peralatan